Photo Gallery through the years

 Tom Ryerson aged 20, about the time of his band "The Con-Feds"

Joe Maag, Craig Moorhouse, Tom Ryerson, "The Dead Puppies," 1985. Aged 21.

 On the set during a film shoot, at the building where I lived. I'm the skinny guy at the front of the photo reading a script. This may have been for my film, "I die, you die." 1985. 

This is from the Confederation College website, the photo is from the film "A view to a thrill." I remember my line like yesterday, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Of course it was edited for the final cut.

As a member of "The Dead Puppies," 1986. 

As a member of "ABS Absolute" in 1989. Taken at Frankenmuth, MI.

 I join the choir at Trinity United Church in Ingersoll, this is where I learn to sing. 1989. 

"A Date with Judy" live at Shaw Cable, Feb 1993. I'm just a little influenced by Bryan Ferry.

"A Date with Judy" in Woodstock, ON, Oct 1993

"Saint Judy" in Woodstock, ON, Feb 1994

 "Saint Judy" Summer 1994, Woodstock, ON

"Owen" July 1995, Tom & Jeremy

"Owen" photo shoot Aug 20 1995, Woodstock, ON

 "Owen" in November 1995, rockin' it hard!

"Owen" In the Jam Room, Nov 1995

 "Owen" professional shots at Chez Ami in Woodstock, ON - January 1996

 Andrew, Steve, Doug and Tom happy to have the bar to themselves.

Owen's debut gig, March 16th 1996 at "Bros." Steve videotaped the show, and the tape existed as far as 2008, when it mysteriously disappeared. The hunt continues.  

Tom's house warming party, March 23rd 1996. The band set up in the basement and played three tunes to an enthusiastic crowd. 

Relaxing during a band practice, Aug 11th 1996. The band were three gigs away from calling it a day.

Above and below, "Living in Fear" jamming in the basement and then afterwards relaxing out in the laneway. In the bottom photo we have Tom, James (bass), Dave (drums), and Stan (leads). Summer 2001.

"The Absolute Beginners" debut at Crabby Joe's, Woodstock, ON, March 8th 2010. This marked Tom's return to the stage after an absence of 8 1/2 years. It was just like riding a bike again, and we found our groove in no time.

The three pictures above show "The Absolute Beginners" playing live at Museum Square, Woodstock, ON, on Aug 5th 2010. Another sell-out crowd!

Owen Mach III - October 2014 
Steve Wright - Thom - Robb Hoyland - Stan 

Owen Mach III - October 2014 
Robb Hoyland - Steve Wright - Thom - Stan 

Tom returns to the stage on Nov 10th 2017, singing two country orientated songs at the Legion in St. George Ontario. The guitar was played by local legend Dave Souliere.  

Summer 2023 "The Carving Knife"
Stan - Thom - Steve

The Carving Knife - August 13th 2023 

Thom & Stan return to the stage after twelve years

Relaxing after the gig - August 13th 2023 

Thom Ryerson & Mike Winegarden
September 2023

Photos by Janice Stevens 2023 

November 1st 2023 

Thom Ryerson - August 31st 2024

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