Friday, January 19, 2018

A Tale of Two Owens

A Tale of Two Owens

You may or not be aware that there are in fact two bands named Owen in the world. We, based in Woodstock, are one, and the other is based in Chicago. Owen from Chicago is actually just one guy, namely Mike Kinsella. In November of 2001 I read a review of his debut CD, pictured below, and concerned about the fact that he used the same name as us, wrote to his label, Polyvinyl Records.

On November 23rd 2001 I got an email from Mike Kinsella himself which read, "hey. my name's
mike kinsella, and i think we're in a band together called owen. it's funny how we haven't seen
each other at band practice ever, isn't it?"

  Matt Lunsford from Polyvinyl Records designed a yellow sticker for Mike's CD's, which came
into use by January 30th 2002. No idea if they still use them after 14 years. I came across the emails
from Matt and Mike a couple of days ago, and thought I'd share this cool Owen trivia.

This is Owen's (Chicago) debut CD, issued on Sept 18th 2001. I read a review in Exclaim! Magazine about 2 months later. How cool we both picked Owen as our band name.

This is the sticker Matt and Mike came up with in Jan 2002 to differentiate the two Owen's. People still confuse us, and usually we take the flak!
The Real Owen - Oct 2014